Well it seems that the VI (Virgin Islands) are coming up. With its very own Rock city(from the island of St.Thomas)who are signed with Akon. The Island of St.Croix also have a major record company thats on the up and comming, Entouch Records. Founded by Lance Chardon a.k.a Diverse Thought, and Jose Rivera a.k.a Don Juan.
The two first started out with there own indepent labels, Bad Boy BattallionEntertainment(Lance Chardon) and Don Juan Production(Jose Rivera). After working together for quite some time the two decided to join forces, to form what is now "Entouch Records". In the process the business men gathered a team of promotors, producers, and dj's which formed what is BMG Alliance(Battallion Music Group). Their first project is the mix tape album of ACM a rap group out of St.Thomas. The Album is entitled "Nothing to loose"(a.k.a NTL), Volume I. Be on the look out for the album. More on Entouch Records and there artist's coming soon.
Labels: the come up
Bill Clinton apparently still gets riled up over Bill Richardson's decision to endorse Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton for president. California Democrats said the ex-president grew red-faced when the subject came up last weekend at a state party convention last weekend. Above, the president speaks at the convention Sunday.

[via: LAURA KURTZMAN aol news.]
During a private meeting with California Democrats this past weekend, Clinton grew red-faced as he talked about how he expected Richardson, who was a member of Clinton's Cabinet, to back Hillary Rodham Clinton for the presidential nomination or at least stay neutral, according to several people who attended.

Instead, Richardson endorsed Obama late last month, calling him a "once-in-a-lifetime leader."
"He sort of gets a little redder and redder and redder, but he wasn't off the deep end as I had seen him in the past," said Inola Henry, an uncommitted superdelegate. "It was sort of like, 'Gee, I'm a martyr.' He seemed more hurt than anything."

Clinton used his appearance at the state Democratic Party convention in San Jose to lobby California's 21 uncommitted superdelegates to support his wife.
After posing for a group photograph with the former president, superdelegate Rachel Binah told Clinton she was disappointed that one of his allies, strategist James Carville, had compared Richardson to Judas after he endorsed Obama.
Clinton, according to several people present, distanced himself from Carville's remarks. But he went on to say that he had not expected Richardson to endorse the Illinois senator, especially since the New Mexico governor had invited Clinton to Santa Fe to watch the Super Bowl on Feb. 3.
"He did say he certainly had been led to believe that he was going to get the endorsement," Henry said Wednesday. She was one of about 15 superdelegates - some uncommitted, others backing Clinton - who attended Sunday's meeting with Clinton before he addressed the convention.
Aleita Huguenin, another superdelegate, remembered Clinton saying, "We thought he'd let us know if he did an endorsement." But Huguenin said the comments about Richardson were "a minor blip in the whole meeting."
Labels: politics

Labels: dear diary
Not surprising to hear CC may possibly loose their accreditation due to the LACK of...basically EVERYTHING! I am not even trying to be funny when I say the county is a disgrace to sin itself. I can vouch for this...why?! because yes, I am from...this sad sad county, smh.
Personally, I think things went downhill with Clayton County Public schools when I hit High School. I mean it was a little sketchy in Middle School too but High School was no joke in CC. Not OJ'n when I say I learned the following things from attending Morrow High:
A. How to professionally dodge a bullet-You simply drop first. I had teachers in my freshmen year teaching us on how to dodge bullets verses the formation and accumulation of one. The parking lot shootings resulted in Morrow not being able to have any after school events for a while. Pep rallies, dances, and other functions non-sports related was not the thing for us.
B. How to get pregnant-Well I failed this test (Thank God) but I cannot name at least ten girls who failed with me today. Not one...but two or more....there were girls working on their second and third child by graduation. Four of my homegirls (bless their hearts) has yet to finish high school and was forced to drop out due to...small things BUT I do know some girls who did finish and is doing the damn thing now in college...working..pursuing those goals. However, when I talk to them...they all wish their planning was more smoother.
C.How to mourn-The deaths...period-probably the last straw for my parents.
Despite the lack of effort that is put into the CC public schooling district I do not blame the teachers at all. My teachers were my mentors...and I mean...so what I learned more about life than it's synonyms, they taught me how to love, appreciate, and fight (the right way) for it. My bestfriend and I always laugh at our MHS memories of how we use to go to talent shows and have to sit on the first bleacher because of a possible gun pull. Or how we use to have weekly seminars on gang violence then witness the fights that followed RIGHT after them. Or even laugh hard at how we use to get suspended together over some b/s! The memories are just that for us...luckily we both left the county and graduated with gpa's that were 3.0+.
Not saying people are a true product of their environment because I know of graduates, one being my sister, that did the damn thing after MHS...will continue to excel. However, the environment does play it's evil role too. I can def. vouch for that...I felt ashamed when I moved to a totally different area. My speech...most importantly was a huge difference and I had to work as twice as hard to keep my vocabulary up to par, smh. Ha..and of course the improvement was swell!
Idk...good luck CC!
Good Morning,
p.s. 2004 was my favorite year in HS lmao that whole Alexandria scandal thing is STILL classic!!!
Labels: a wrinkle in the brain
Smh smh. According to America...Obama was a member of a "racist" Black Church. Gross! Since when were Blacks or anyone of color granted that opportunity?! Ha! Four hundred years (and counting) and America tries to reverse all of them by shamlessly pulling a coward ass race card (on their behalf) with Rev. Whright of the Trinity Church of Christ. Get the hell on. This so called issue is a prime example of why I do not and will not dream in America.
I really do not understand why there is so much controversy towards the views of Rev. Whright? Especially when his congregation does so much for a community that is strong in numbers...educate yourselves here white folk'! So I guess everything that is Black owned and ran is now racist too huh? Since when was being anti-America racist? Then again, who am I foolin'...America also once painted (with the same hate brush) the picture of Black Panthers being "racists" too. *rolls eyes*
And if these logics of "Black racists" existing were actually true, could this one situation be any lower than McCain's friend...the radio host that actually spoke at his campaign and boldly made racists remarks towards Obama on t.v.? (Mind you...Rev. Whright never said his views on America were also the same exact views of Obama.) I shake my head to most of my "cousins" (white folk').
Ha! Then I witnessed Bill Clinton stating, "Race in either candidates has not been an issue..." Clinton seriously wtf...are you watching this race? Clearly you are not... but good way to tip-toe your words around that tongue to avoid biting it.
This shit only allowed me to reminisce on one of X's speeches I read in the seventh grade called "Racist in Reverse".
So I'll just leave you with this bit...
"Brothers and sisters, if you and I would just realize, that once we learn to talk the language that they understand, they will then get the point. You can't ever reach a man if you don't speak his language. If a man speaks the language of brute force, you can't come to him with peace. Why goodnight! He'll break you in two, as he has been doing all along. If a man speaks French, you can't speak to him in German. If he speaks Swahili, you can't communicate with him in Chinese. You have to find out, what does this man speak? Once you know his language, learn how to speak his language. He'll get the point, there will be some dialogue, some communication, and some understanding will be developed. You've been in this country long enough to know the language the Klan speaks, they only know one language. What you and I have to start doing in 1965, I mean that's what you have to do because most of us have already been doing it, is start learning a new language. Learn the language that they understand, and then when they come up on our door step to talk, we can talk."
Honestly, it's always 50/50 thing with X's views and mine. Some days I cannot stand my "cousins" and some days I'm like some of my "cousins" aint (..lol yes) so bad. Hmmm...guess I'm a "racist" too huh? Amerikkka get the hell on! UGH and for the first time...I actually agreed with Al Sharpton and Lawd knows I cannot stand that Black man. Smh.
And how dare ppl want some type of apology or explanation from this? Fuck that! I'll probably lose some of my taste for Obama if his announcement speech tomorrow tries to calm these white folk' blood...literally. C'mon Obama...you better pull a Malcom and speak of that "White Disease". Ok let me stop...I'm being "racist." I just hope Obama doesn't play the role of token Powell. Ha!
I forgive my cousins (sigh) for confusing Black liberation with racism. Smh.
p.s. But hey! "Lu Ann" (lmao..insider..smh@my daddy) feels quite at home with the Trinity Church of Christ (eventhough sometimes...Im convinced my "cousins" do not know what to say...UGH! lmao I wonder if she clutches her purse when visiting the Trinity Church of Christ). (view below)
Good morning,
p.p.s. The views of strange fruit are not neccessarily the views of PM...however if you are offended...kill yourself and try to discuss it with God.
Labels: a wrinkle in the brain